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Monday, May 9, 2011
Pink elephant! @ 2:00 PM
Okay, I'm about ready to talk about my weekend now...
But really quick, check out this
AMAZING purchase!
So petite so beautiful... Woah I got excited. But isn't he just so beautiful? gah. Anyway, on fri fri friday Aleja spent the night at my house. We chilled with Kim and his friend, Duane. We headed off to a playground around 9:45 and hotboxed the shit out of Kim's car. We talked, laughed, and watched Duane play with a flashlight and binoculars. Then out of the blue, this chick just walks over to us and hops in. We smoked her out and went outside into the world.
It was around 11:30 I think that we were starting to get hit up by a large group of people. By midnight, Aleja and I were packing bowls to smokeout about 15 people. It was quite fantastic. Aleja and I headed home after. We took off our make-up, pants, and passed out half naked on my bed around 2 am.
We took a little bit of time in the morning to have a little wake and bake with our leftover weed. But she had to go home early, so she left my house and left me to pass out again.
I awoke around 5pm and decided to get ready and smoke again. I usually never know where I'm going, but I know that I'll be going SOMEWHERE. And it was just so. Kim came and got me that night. At his house, We smoked a bowl, where joined by his friend Ebers and smoked another bowl. Soon after, My friend Sara and three other people came into his room. We smoked again! and Took some shots of vodka.
Here's a little pet peeve of mine... when girls don't do shots right. When they sip it and then immediately follow every drop with chasers.
I adore the burn in my throat and sinus. The pulsing hit on your forehead when you feel the immediate effects. And the bitter taste doesn't really gross me out, so I never use chasers.
needless to say, I was pretty messed up by this point. And I somehow ended up at these apartments with more people. After this point, I know a lot went down... but alas all I can remember is that I had a great time.
I just got really high with friends outside these apartments.
Labels: great ass weekend
by cake
Mizdiario comes from the Spanish words, "Mis diarios" meaning, 'my dairies', which is just what this blog itself is about...it is filled with my life adventure and mishaps, fabulous and atrocious.
my blog, where I post up most things life with a pinch of emotion.
About Cake
Colors, colors
18 years old & hailing from Kodiak Island, Alaska. My mother is Spanish and Swedish & my father is Mexican & Spanish. I’m a bit of an eccentric & currently living somewhere in the city of Memphis. A southern place with beautiful people, but a city that I just don't fit in. I’m trying to better myself as I get older, and have many goals set up for my life. Coming from a middle-class family, I aspire to be a fashion student and one day move to LA or New York City.
I have one goal in life, and that is to build a legend. Big dreams, one lifetime. And too much to do from here to there.
I love fashion, music, arts, psychology, philosophy, history, Zodiac, and marijuana. I love to create with my words, my brain, and my hands every chance I get.
Say Hi
shoutmix has made this little techno contraption possible. yay. (: